Thanks Thales Minussi for the kind comments! I’ve had the exact same questions as you whenever I introduce developers to serverless projects and totally agree once past the learning curve, they don’t want to go back.
serverless-offline is a great tool if you use Node. Where I work currently we primarily develop in .NET, and while .NET Core works really well in Lambda, the support for local debugging has some maturing to do.
RE: CI/CD pipelines, we use TeamCity currently. Similar to your method in Jenkins we also have the serverless framework installed on it. We are moving towards using CodePipeline and CodeBuild to handle our CI/CD processes so we can write our pipelines as code, with the added benefit of our pipelines being scalable and builds not getting held up by other builds occuring on the available agents. I’ve written another article about building serverless CI/CD pipelines you might be interested in.